The above photos have provoked widespread condemnation and criticism on social media, after these teens terminated a defenseless dog in the most ruthless way. Not only did they do just that, but they carried out this inhumane act with a big smile on their face; they also had the audacity to post the photos online and even update their profile photo with it – that is how proud these heartless teens were of their actions.
One of the teens involved is Wakil Sarebet Cimojopahit; according to his Facebook profile (which shockingly is still online) this little monster studied at the “Universitas Negeri” in Jakarta and currently lives in Surabaya, Indonesia.
What is even more shocking is that moments before uploading the photo with the dog that was missing a head, the teens posed themselves takinh the dog for a walk and the beautiful pooch seemed to be really enjoying it every moment of the trip in the nature – if you scroll below, you will find a photo that shows how the dog is sticking its tongue out joyfuly. Little that pooch know what would happen next.
At this point, it is not known if the dog was actually a pet (and who it belonged to) or if it was a stray.
The fact that these monsters are posing for photos and bragging about what they did only comes to show their lack of compassion and humanity.
After removing the dog’s head, the teens probably barbecued the animal, as dog meat continues to be a popular dish in the country.
I sincerely hope these monsters will be tracked down as soon as possible and brought to justice for their sick deed.
I am asking everybody reading this text to spare a moment to sign the petition and share it on every channel possible. If these teens are looking to be famous, then let us give them the fame they covet!